100% Money Back Guarantee for “How to Run for Office as a Christian Conservative” Online Course
We fully believe that “How to Run for Office...” is the most valuable Political Coaching course on the planet for you and your family, at any price, because it is grounded on Biblical principles and time-honored campaign practices. So, we back it up with a 100% Money Back Guarantee for your tuition payment.
That means that you and your household can try out “How to Run for Office...” with absolutely NO RISK!
Here’s How It Works:
You will have 30 days from your purchase date to determine whether or not “How to Run for Office...” is right for you. If you determine it is valuable, then continue to appreciate your lifetime access to the video classes and other materials.
On the other hand....
If with 30 days of your purchase date, you write us at our Help Desk requesting a cancellation and refund, then we will refund you 100% of the tuition money you paid. No Questions Asked. No Hassles. No Risk.
Please Note: If you do choose to cancel, you will no longer have access to any of the Course materials in the Member's Area, or to the Run for Office private social media groups.
Also, if you have chosen our payment plan and do not cancel within 30 days, then we will continue to charge you according to the agreed monthly schedule until the your payment is made in full.
Additional questions about our refund policy and any refund request should be submitted to our Help Desk at: http://RunForOffice.training/help, with the word "Refund" in the subject line.
Thank you. We appreciate being able to serve you!